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New Year's Sewing Resolutions

Happy New Year!  I'm only going to make one New Year's resolution this year, and that is to keep a record of my completed sewing projects and how many yards of fabric I use.  Hopefully that will give me an idea of realistically how much fabric I "should" be purchasing.  I'm not sure if I'm going to go the low-tech way by keeping a scrapbook which includes a swatch of the fabric used and a illustration of the pattern, or some high-tech way to keep track of the same things, but digitally.  I'll have to ask around and see if anyone knows of any good software that could be used for such a purpose.  If you know of anything, please let me know!


  1. I started a file box a couple years ago, that had index cards for each item that i finished. I make costumes and lots of times made mulitples of the same item. I put a swatch of fabric, the item and the patterns used, or if self drafted. I occasionally would look at the box and think I'm sewing alot more than that- then pull out and index card and realize how many multiples are on the cards. Its really kind of satisfying. The only thing I didn't add and would change is that i also did a fair amount alterations and didn't keep records the same way. Now I wish I had, because they were harder than most items you make from scratch. Have fun with that!


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