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Dedicated to Mom

My Mom, Barbara Atkinson
Hello again!  I've been missing from the blogosphere for a few months.  My Mother was ill and passed away in January.  She was 85, and I was fortunate to have had her in my life for so long, but it is still hard to say goodbye.  Things are slowly getting back to normal.

I was blessed with a Mom that shared with me a myriad of her talents.  Since this is a sewing blog, I will focus here just on one of those talents.  I owe all of my sewing ability to my Mom.  She taught me from the time that I was 8 years old until I was 18.  There were a lot of trips to the fabric store, long days of sewing for 4-H competitions, and many, many times when she ripped out my mistakes, so I wouldn't have to. 

I know that she was proud of my sewing, and before she passed away, I got a chance to show her what I'd been working on.  I was putting together a capsule wardrobe with shades of aqua, cream and black, with a few touches of magenta.  I was using deluxe fabrics including lots of silks and woolens.  Her favorite color was aqua, and she thought it was all so beautiful.  I'm so happy that she got to see it. 

So, I'm dedicating this wardrobe capsule to my Mom.  I'll think of her every time I wear something from it.  I'll be posting about each item over the next few weeks, but here's a sneak peak of everything: 

I've made:
2 knit tunics
1 silk button front shirt
1 fleece zip jacket
1 wool cardigan
4 dresses
1 pair of pants
and one coat. 

Other items in my closet that will work with this capsule include a black leather skirt, cream denim jeans, black boots, grey boots, black turtleneck, teal tights, black leggings, and various scarves and jewelry. 

It's a snow day here, and my husband is annoyed that I'm blogging, instead of shoveling with him, so I will begin posting about each item tomorrow.

Happy Sewing!



  1. My thoughts are with you, Ann, and your family and all those who loved your mom. My mom is 85, in hospice care, I am struggling to blog as well. Thank you so very much for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Coco. You will be in my thoughts, too, at this difficult time for you.

  2. May you continue to be strengthened. If like me, you'll often think of her as you're sewing. Your wardrobe is wonderful.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy. You are so right. I have many happy memories to sustain me.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Thanks for sharing how your mom influenced your sewing and may these happy thoughts help you through this time. I love your wardrobe, can't wait to see each piece.

  4. Even when it is their time to go and they have had a long life it is still hard for those left behind. It was good that you did get to show her your latest makes.

  5. Thanks for sharing your mom with us. Very heartwarming tribute to her and what she imparted to you. Eager to see your posts about individual items in wardrobe.

  6. Ann- I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My mom was/is my sewing and DIY muse as well. You continue honoring her every day by being YOU.

    1. Thank you Bernadette. That is so sweet of you to say.

  7. I is so hard to lose our Mothers, I am sorry to hear that you have lost yours. I lost my dear Mama last year @ 86 yrs old. She taught me a love of sewing at a young age, something that I have to remember her by each time I sit at my sewing machine. I love your wardrobe capsule, beautiful. Thank you for sharing your love of your Mom and your sewing pursuits. I have just found you via Pattern Review! Kitty Ann in NC

    1. Thank you, Kitty Ann. It sounds like we had similar growing up experiences- weren't we lucky! I have a kitty that looks like yours too.

  8. Ann, Sorry for your loss. Even though my mom was not a sewer, I remember a skirt she made for me when I was in the fourth grade. It was for a play I was in that took place during the Frontier time. She used a plain white bed sheet and a cut-up purple and white old gingham dress I had out grown. She didn't use a pattern. I thought it was the prettiest thing...Many years later I made her a Christmas present...a maroon jogging suit. She didn't run, she just was always cold. Because the sewing machine was in our living room I had to sew it right under her nose(the same place she made my skirt). When she asked me what I was making I told her it was "warm-ups". Because I danced she assumed they were for me. She was quite surprised when she opened her present and saw what was in the box. She wore her outfit often. My Mom said good-bye 5 years ago this April...I still miss her...

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. Showing love through sewing- that's a wonderful thing!

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss Ann. Thank you for sharing your capsule wardrobe - it is definitely a beautiful tribute to your dear mom.


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