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Off to Bangladesh with Butterick 4238

Certain people think that I am like Samantha in "Bewitched", and can just wiggle my nose; and voila-  a garment appears!  Those certain people would be: my adult daughters.

My youngest daughter left for 6 week work trip to Bangladesh this morning, and yesterday morning, she picked out her fabric and pattern for me to make her a work appropriate tunic for that part of the world.  So, I didn't get a photo of her in it, but I did manage to snap a few on the dress form.   She chose this lavender and green ikat print from SewBaby, and Butterick 4238.

This is an out of print pattern, but with the asymmetrical hemlines, I think it still is very current.  I made View B, and the body pieces are cut on the bias, which I think looked pretty interesting with the ikat print.  It only took 2 yards which is pretty great for a long sleeve tunic cut on the bias!  I raised the neckline about 1 inch, per her request, and I also raised the spot on the pattern where the side slits start.

Here's a back view for you.  I feel like the back has some odd fullness in it that is related to the fabric being on the bias.  When she gets back, I'd like to tweak that a bit- perhaps but in some waist darts.

I approached the neckline with a little trepidation because of the bias issue as well, but it actually lays pretty nicely.  It's finished with a facing.

I just love the fabric.  It is currently on sale at SewBaby here, if you are interested as well.

I hope that she gets a lot of use out of it on her trip.  In Bangladesh, women dress very modestly, but the clothing is also very colorful.  She says that most women wear beautiful clothing, even while doing work such as farming.  It's funny that it's kind of the opposite here- so many people are wearing blue jeans when working in offices. 

While she is there, she intends to order some custom made sets.  Apparently, you can get complete sets that include a tunic, scarf, and pants for under $25!  And made to fit you as well!

Have you seen Vogue's new patterns?  There is one that would have been just ideal for what she wanted, Vogue 9159.  It is designed for knits though, which might be a little warm for Bangladesh- I think most of their tunics are rayon.  But, I'm putting it on my wishlist anyway!

Do you like this style of tunic?  I do, but I have yet to make myself something like it.  And, do you have certain people who think you are magic and can make something in a blink of an eye?

Happy Sewing!


  1. The Butterick pattern is very current. I saw a few summer tops today with the same hem. Very nice.

  2. You must have gotten lots of Good Mom points for this outfit. It's beautiful! This top brings to mind Marcy Tilton's V9057, which is on my make-list. ( I will have to watch eBay for this B4238, which would be perfect with the capris for our January Caribbean cruise. Thank you for this post and hope your daughter has a wonderful time and brings you fabric. :)

  3. This is a lovely top! I've seen this pattern for a while and really like it. The fabric is very pretty.

  4. Did you send your measurements with her so she could bring you an outfit? Love this pattern and the top is lovely.

  5. Did you send your measurements with her so she could bring you an outfit? Love this pattern and the top is lovely.

  6. So pretty Ann! I love the style, shape, and fabric! A perfect trio!

  7. So pretty Ann! I love the style, shape, and fabric! A perfect trio!

  8. This turned out great. The fabric looks lovely cut on the bias.

  9. This tunic is lovely! The pattern is somewhat blah as seen on the envelope. The right fabric, like the one you used, is perfect. I am sure your daughter will love wearing this while on her trip.

  10. That is such a pretty print and the pattern really suits it. I find long tunics make me look dumpy. I have a feeling it has something to do with proportion and my 5'4 1/2" not quite slim figure though! I


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