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Off the Island

Well, I got eliminated from the Fabricista challenge.  But, I'm trying to look on the bright side.  The challenge really pushed me to try new things.  There were several "firsts" for me:

Challenge 1- I made a t-shirt out of thrifted silk saris.  Which by the way, my youngest daughter has "borrowed", and I will probably not ever get it back.

Challenge 2- I learned how to fit my scoliosis, and got a very nice anniversary dress, which I wore last night, BTW. (not to McDonalds!)

Challenge 3- I copied a top from a ready to wear top- had never done that before.

Challenge 4- I sewed with velvet on the bias- I would have never attempted something so difficult without a little push.

And for Challenge 5- I dyed fabric for the first time. It wasn't so hard, and I am pretty excited about the possibilities that this opens up!

So, all in all, I feel like I've really grown quite a bit in the last few weeks.  And not just figuratively- I also took a break from exercising to make time for this, and I can feel my clothes getting tighter.  Time to get back in shape!

Also, my house is really dirty, and we haven't had any good home cooked meals cooked by me for a while.  I told my husband-  "I haven't been cooking or cleaning during this challenge."  He said "I've noticed."

Ha! Actually, my whole family has been great throughout- very supportive and encouraging while I've been sewing away.  It will be nice to get back to a more balanced life. 



  1. Bummer! You did get a pretty bad bundle now that I see what everyone else received. :(

  2. Ann, {{hugs}}. :( I love how gracious this post is and says volumes about you as a person.

    My husband and I have so much respect for you, he has loved everything you have sewn. We both think you remind us of his aunt and mom, which is big compliment, they are beautiful, wonderful women.

    I am such a color-loving person, I was a bit blue (ha) about mine, too, which is very black/tan/white/red. I loved both your and Nakisha's bundles so much, lol. I want you to promise me that you will make something with the pretty pique cotton with the pink/blue/green florals. I just know you would look so pretty in that!!!

    1. Thank you, Dina. I can't pull off that kind of floral, so I can't promise you. That is for the young and slim, so you might have looked great in it! But hopefully I will have granddaughters some day that would love it.

    2. Ann, that is such a great idea. Very cute for granddaughters. :) Save that then.

  3. Oh well, some time for yourself.

    1. Thanks, Vicki. I do need some R & R now. I don't know how the contestants on Project Runway do it!

  4. I'm sorry you were eliminated, Ann. I was surprised, because I thought you did well with the fabrics you were given and the outfit you made looked good, and wearable. But I do agree with you about the uneven playing field. I thought there were two "bad" bundles in this lot. It was fairer when they did the challenge last year where everyone got a length of the same ugly fabric.

    1. Thanks, Kathleen! Oh, wow- that was an ugly fabric! Nothing in my bundle was quite that bad! Goes to show that when you think it's bad, there is always something worse! LOL!

  5. Ah! I was rooting for you and agree that you did admirably well with that yucky Bundle!

  6. So sad to see you go Ann! You are definitely an inspiration!

    I hear you on the R & R. Before the contest I was excited to rent a sewing machine while in Chicago for a week on business. Now? No thanks. I will relax a lot and maybe knit a little ;)

    1. Thank you, Nakisha. Hang in there a couple more days and then treat yourself to a week in the Bahamas!

  7. Sad but true but since my wife has got the bug for making clothes for herself and our daughters, I too have become a little obsessed. I have always been creative and have tried my hand at knitting. In the past. I especially love the top you made with reference to another. IMO it was better than the original. Keep,up the good work.

  8. Thank you, Manchester. I think that is great that you are encouraging your wife. It's fun when you can talk about creative endeavors together. My husband doesn't sew, but he loves to use the serger, and he is in charge of keeping my machines running.


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