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Is the Wool Blazer Dead?

The judges on the Fabricista challenge commented that my outfit was "outdated".  Actually, one of them said it a little nicer- she said it looked "vintage".  Sheeessh.....Not the look I was going for!!!

I'm guessing that it was the blazer that did me in.  As I honestly see very few people wearing blazers these days. In fact, I took some pretty new jackets that I got from the Limited to a resale shop last Spring, and they wouldn't take them- said there was no market for them.

If someone is wearing a second layer these days, it's usually either- Jean Jackets, Moto Jackets, Bomber Jackets, or Cardigans.  So, is the Blazer dead?  If so, I'm going to be so sad.  I do have a jean jacket that I love.  And I have a moto jacket that is killer.  I'm so unathletic that wearing a bomber jacket would seem to be false advertising to me.  And I do wear cardigans often. 

But to me, a wool blazer just says "sharp".  Stacey and Clinton used to recommend them on "What Not to Wear" all of the time to give shape to a waning waistline and burgeoning muffin top (which I definitely have both).  But "What Not to Wear" is no longer on the air, so I don't know if Stacey and Clinton would still say the same thing!  Would they now be trashing the blazers along with the sweatpants? 

So, I've been playing around with different combinations.  This is what I wore to work today:
And this is what I wore out to a Mexican restaurant with my family on Saturday night:

And this is what I'm wearing now, and will wear out to meet some friends for my writing group tonight:
My daughter who is 21 and a size or two smaller than me, has picked this up several times since I made it, and she said non-chalantly on Sunday "You know, Mom, if it reminds you of getting kicked off the challenge, and you have bad memories associated with it, I'll take it off your hands."

I'm not there yet.  What do you guys think?  Is it out of date?  Am I out of touch for loving this jacket to death?  I'm sewwwww confused.  Does anyone else wear blazers anymore where you live?  Have blazers gone the way of the typewriter and the land line?  I'm so damn vintage, I can't stand myself anymore!

Should I let my daughter "take it off my hands", or should I tell her she'll have to pry it out of my cold head hands?



  1. Yes, I love it and especially the color. Blazers will be around forever. After all, what is a girl to do when the weather changes?

    1. I hope you're right, Dorothy! I really hope it will be a timeless piece.

  2. I don't often comment on anyone's blog, but I just have to here.

    Because - you look fab. The blazer is gorgeous - and who wants to conform to a crowd?

    I made a lot of shorter length jackets and blazers - love them. If I'm out of date then so be it. To be honest - I looked at your 'competition' on the challenge and can't quite figure out how you got kicked off.

    So you guard that blazer vigorously and make sure it remains in your OWN wardrobe! :)

    1. Thanks, Karen. Glad to hear that you are still wearing blazers too. I will have to put it under lock and key when I'm not wearing it!

  3. Have they not looked at JCrew and their blazers?

    1. Apparently not. Oohh- I love the houndstooth one. That may be knock-off-able.

  4. I'm wearing one now, as part of a pants suit. I have lots of them for work (I'm an accountant). I think yours is lovely.

    1. Thank you, Vicki! Good to hear that you are still wearing them too.

  5. Blazers always say "class". Maybe that is why people don't like them nowadays, anything to do with being well dressed and classy some consider passe. I don't. You will only find blazers in more upmarket stores, so that says something.

    Take no notice of what an ordinary fabric shop says. They are not doyens of style, after all.

    1. I agree with Sarah - blazers say class and not many people are into class anymore. It's pajamas and as dressed down as you want to be anymore. I hate it and feel like I'm often stuck in the wrong era. I wish people still took pride in what they wore.

      A few weekends ago I took my daughter to the mall and JCPenney was having "pajama day" and the employees could wear their pj's to work. It was atrocious! The ladies (use the word loosely here) were all in old pj's that looked like they needed to be in the rag box.

      I say keep the blazer if you love it. I think it's beautiful and if you don't want to call it a blazer - call it "my new beautiful cropped jacket". It's the beauty of sewing - making something that suits you perfectly.

    2. Interesting viewpoint, Sarah and Melissa! I think "class" is often associated with being rich, and unless you are Donald Trump, you don't want to advertise that. Funny that some of the most expensive jeans out there actually try to look like they were found on the side of the road, ran over a few times, and then had some bleach spilled on them in the clean up.

      Of course, as sewers, we can make things that would have cost a bundle in the stores for much less. Although we do pay for it with our time investment. I figure I put two solid days work into this jacket, which is probably why it is so dear to me.

      The pajama trend is interesting too. I think it gives people a break from wearing the tight fitting leggings, jeggings, and skinny jeans that are so pervasive. The body needs to breathe. But anyway- thank you! Cropped jacket it is!

  6. I think that blazer looks great. I do think that of the three stylings you are showing, I like the one with the white jeans the best, and I think it would look even better with just dark skinny jeans and some ankle boots.

    1. Thank, Betty. I do have both of those things, so I will give that combo a try as well. I've been hanging on to the last warm days of summer and haven't got out the boots yet, but I think it's time.

  7. Keep it! You love it *and* you already have three outfits put together. I think the dated sort of blazer is the not very fitted long length one. This cropped length seems fine to me. And if your 21 year old wants it, you must be doing something right!

    1. Yes, I have the long blazers from the 80's that I bought at Casual Corner. I don't wear them, (not that I could fit in them!), but keep them as a reminder of my "favorites" from that period. This is my first cropped jacket, other than a jean jacket. Since I'm so tall, I usually gravitate to longer lengths, but I think this length shows remarkable versatility in layering pieces.

  8. Especially like the last outfit you put together for your writing group project. Yes, the blazer lives.....oh maybe it'll take a small rest from the front lines.....but you can't keep a good thing down. The blazer will not disappear from the designers sketch may look slightly altered at times with a new touch here and a new line there......but we all know fashion excellence is forever! Women who dress well will always be admired by the "wanna bee". Put your best self forward in your style and presence. You go girl!

    1. I hope that you're right, Diane! I think that we all work towards finding that look that reflects who we are on the inside, and we feel better when we've hit that mark. It's kind of elusive sometimes though. I kind of felt like I hit that mark with this jacket, and thus the critique was jolting to my core. I guess I just need to "own" it, and go forward.

  9. I like blazers! Though I don't own a wool one. Mainly because I have small children right now and I can't imagine peanut butter smears being particularly good for wool.

    1. Yeah, you definitely need the wash and wear version for a few years. Been there!

  10. Blazers/jackets are a staple. I like how this is a bold blazer and you've got some good styling options there.

    1. Thank you, Maria. It seems to go with just about everything I've tried it with so far!

  11. HECK NO. I have one in progress and another one planned.

    Blazers really pull a look together (as seen in all 3 of the above outfits!) and can elevate outfits a level or two. I actually do not own a jean jacket because I'm not sure IT isn't dated!

    Never give it to her!! Although, daughters find a way to get what they want from mom! ;-)

    1. Thanks, Nakisha. I do agree with you. She will probably ask to "borrow" it, and then conveniently forget to return it. She's pretty slick that way.

  12. I love and I mean LOVE blazers!! There are never out of style. Think about how icon the Chanel suit is, it is never, never, NEVER out of style and not vintage either. Truly couture. I was on Talbot ogling over a few blazers they have. I haven't made any as of yet have plans to make a few but it so much easier to buy them. I own several and wear them because they do make you look pulled together, always. I feel like your daughter, I can take that off your hands if you want me too, I mean I never pass on a great blazer and yours is great!

    1. LOL! I'm glad to find someone else who loves them too. I learned how to tailor when tailoring meant making coats and jackets, not just doing alterations, and I ALWAYS appreciate a well-tailored jacket. Probably the labor cost in making them for ready to wear has reduced the distribution to mostly higher end stores, like Talbots. If you don't sew, they are more expensive than many of the alternatives.


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