It's summertime here in Illinois! Even though I love to be outside and spend time in my garden, I also am quite concerned about preventing sun damage to my skin and covering up as much as is reasonably comfortable. For that reason, I decided to make some shirtdresses that would be lightweight, breezy, yet, tightly woven fabric that would offer some degree of SPF protection, and cover at least my upper arms and shoulders. I've heard that the most important thing for sun protective fabric is tightness of the weave. RIT makes a wash-in sun protective powder that is supposed to last for up to 20 washes, but I haven't tried it yet. I don't care for sunscreen- it tends to make me sweat and feel greasy, so I've been favoring blocking the rays more mechanically with hats and clothing. In the photo on the left, it looks like I'm wearing a camisole- I'm not, that's just the line where the sun protection from my hat ends-guess I need to button...
Ann's Sewing Experiments